Okay. Tiba-tiba malam ni rasa macam nak merepek sekejap dekat sini.
So, this is it.
I was scrolling down my FB newsfeeds, and one of my supahdupahbestie share link hapdet belog sorang hamba Allah ni.
Rasa macam menarik tertarik nak baca, so I clicked on the link.
Okey, just so you know, tak ada pop-up ads, like first, share first hape merepek semua ya.
Terus direct ke blog hamba Allah tersebut ya. (ThankGod!)
He (99% sure about this unless memang gaya sembang dia boyish cenggitu) said something about ukhuwah, then something about friendship, love and (what really trigger the mood untuk tiba-tiba rambles ini malam) THE PAST. Kenangan. Memories. Whatever you like to call it. (And mostly he wrote about love.)
Dan untuk itu, ingin ku-quote-kan kata-kata si pujangga yang orang gila cinta dok puja-puja.
"They do not love that do not show their love. The course of true love never did run smooth. Love is a familiar. Love is a devil. There is no evil angel but Love." - William Shakespeare.
Nak highlight kasi terang mata di sini adalah ayat terakhir itu.
I don't know why.
But I really, really like that ayat.
Haha. *tutupmuka*
So, past huh.
I don't remember exactly where I found this one ayat, (yup! Tonight memang Malam Quote Sedunia. Deal with it!) but it sounds something like this;
"Untuk melupakan orang yang kita cintai, sama seperti cuba mengingati orang yang kita belum pernah jumpa."
Or something like that. (And this ayat sounds so cheesy in malay. Duh!)
Okay, fine. To make things more general, scratch "orang yang kita cintai", ganti dengan "benda yang kita suka". Be it orang, binatang, kerusi, pokok mempelam, TV, Ipong5sGold and bla bla bla...
Nak cakap kat sini...
It's NOT EASY to somehow deal with it.
Orang senang cakap,
'Kau lupakan je aiskerim stroberi kau yang dah jatuh tadi, dah tak ada rezeki an?'
'Alaa...apa susah, henpon rosak, beli baru, esok-esok Epal nak release Ipong6 dah, setakat Nota Simsang tu campak tepi je.'
'Kau ni, SRK tu mati tipu-tipu je, sedih sampai balun sekotak tisu ni apahal?'
Tapi sendiri je yang tahu,
'Ralatnya tak dapat habiskan aiskerim tu. Beli pakai duit gaji first kot.'
'Kesian Nota Simsang aku masuk toilet bowl, nasib baik celup separuh je, kalau Ipong tu entah-entah tenggelam terus.'
'Mati tipu-tipu pun kena tembak jugak, sakit jugak, muka kerut-kerut jugak. Oh, SRK!' *seh hinguih*
Benda, kalau hati cakap dah suka, bukan boleh aci Ctrl+H je.
(siapa yang taktau boleh bukak Microsoft Word try ya!)
Nak reprogramme balik memang susah.
Tambah-tambah kalau dah sampai masuk top 3.
Bagilah intan permata emas diamond Swarovski apa, kita tetap akan aim for that very one yang kita suka.
Harapanlah kalau malam ni tido, esok bangun ingat boleh terus lupa semua.
Kalau betul jadi macam tu, mohon segera berjumpa doktor ya adik-adik.
Bahaya tu.
Pernah dengar lagu Six Degrees Of Seperation?
By The Script.
Sila-sila. Boleh bukak Youtube:)
Boleh Google, Bing Bong dsb.
Ni antara point-point penting dalam lagu tu.
First, you think the worst is a broken heart
What's gonna kill you is the second part
And the third, is when your world splits down the middle
And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself
Fifth, you see them out with someone else
And the sixth, is when you admit that you may have fucked up a little
What's gonna kill you is the second part
And the third, is when your world splits down the middle
And fourth, you're gonna think that you fixed yourself
Fifth, you see them out with someone else
And the sixth, is when you admit that you may have fucked up a little
Credit; http://songmeanings.com/songs/view/3530822107859439680/
You seriously don't want to go through that. Memang ala-ala neraka dunia.
For me, that's what happened when you try to run from your past.
Tapi taklah pulak kalau nak duduk selubung dalam duvet sambil kesat air-mata-hidung-mulut.
Taknak keluar. Taknak makan. Taknak mandi. Yaiks.
Off phone. Biar TV terbukak. Balun 5 tub aiskrim sorang.
That just not how it supposed to be.
Bak kata orang,
Be friend with you past so it doesn't ruin your future.
Betul. Totally agree with that.
Plus, it may help you guys untuk decide what is better for your future. Ye dak?
So, berdasarkan eksperimen dan pemerhatian saya (acewah)...
I think the best way is to go trough with it.
Quoted from Robin Scherbatsky (HIMYM); 'I need to get him into my system, to get it out of my sytem.'
Hah, lebih kurang cenggitulah ayat dia.
Tuesdays With Morrie pun said the same thing.
But I can't recall the exact phrase and I'm too lazy to get up and get the book and flip through the pages and arghhh...
Dah lewat sangat ni.
I should really turn off my lappy and get some sleep.
But the point is; find the closure.
Find the things that can finally make you say, 'I had enough of this. And this is totally not worth my time.'
And only then you can move on. Move. On. Bukan lari. Bukan too dissolved sampai tak peduli dunia keliling.
Tapi along the way, memang akan ada rasa macam nak give up. Rasa macam nak tutup muka and lantaklah-kau-nak-jadi-apa.
But hey! Chin up!
Kalau tak sekarang, bila lagi?
Been there. Done that.
Alhamdulillah, make it through dengan jayanya.
I didn't say it was easy. At least not for me.
But it worth a try. Sangat.
So, selamat mencuba.
And good night peeps. *menguaptutupmulut*