Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Cherps Tanpa Nama :) Part 7

Sorry lambat update.
It's quite hard to manage two stories at the same time. Eheh.

#Gatal. Sapa suruh? Tamak!

Amboi...mulut! Cili baru tau!
Tengah ada idea, lajulah tulis.
Cuba kalau kering, mau meraung hantuk kepala kat skrin.
Okay. Merepek sangat dah ni.
So~ *drumroll* this is the 7th part...
Alahai...berjela pulak cerita dia.
It's okay.
Nak habis dah.
Maybe dalam 10 part.
Doakan begitu yaa...
Sebab nanti lagi mudah nak fokus pada Notasi Cinta :)

Btw, kalau ada masa lapang-free-percuma...
Jemput singgah dekat ilham.karangkraf.com.
Di situ tempat kedua curahan idea sy mengalir. Acewah.
Search Notasi Cinta. InshaAllah jumpa.

#Kalau tak jumpa?

Aiks? Hmm...mungkin awak salah taip. Haha.
Nah. Ambil ini link.


#Kan senang kalau bagi awal-awal?

Saja nak bagi awak annoyed. Haha.
Okey. Itu saja. Enjoy lah yer :)

PopiMerah yang semakin Busy -_-"

           Arip parking betul-betul depan rumah Tok Yah. Pantas enjin dimatikan dan Arip bergegas ke muka pintu. Salam diberi kuat. Entah kenapa hatinya macam rasa kurang enak bila tengok kereta Mai dah lesap dari laman rumah Tok Yah. Lima saat kemudian pintu dibuka. Terjengul Tok Yah dari balik pintu.
            “Wa’alaikumussalam. Arip. awai hang balik. Bukan hang pi KL ka?” Arip segera menapak masuk. Matanya melingas ke kiri-kanan. Sunyi. Selalu petang-petang bukan Alia selalu layan sinetron dekat TV ke?
            “Hah? KL? Oh...haah. Tapi Arip tak tidoq sana. Malaih,” pendek jawapannya. Tubuh direbahkan di atas kerusi. Takkan dia dah balik?
            “Hah, ni. Lupa nak habaq. Alia dah balik,” zapp! “...kirim salam...” ayat tu macam peluru riffle yang laju terbang ke jantungnya, “...ada kerja...” ...sakitnya... “...tak boleh tunggu hang balik...” ...rasa sesak tiba-tiba. Dan ayat seterusnya dia dah tak dengar sebab dia dah terlebih dulu memotong cakap-cakap Tok Yah.
            “Arip lapar,” out of topic langsung. Riak beku. Macam tak ambil kisah bila Alia dah balik.
            “Lapaq? Hang ni la. Haru sungguh. Sampai ke sudah hang tak baik dengan si Alia tu na. Punya baikla budak tu, duk tolong hang, hang buat mau tak mau ja dengan dia,” dah mula dah sesi mari-bebel-tentang-Alia. Arip tutup muka. Rasa bersalah bergunung tak payah cakap. Dahlah dia belum minta maaf elok-elok lagi dengan Alia. Duit gaji pun satu sen Alia belum tuntut lagi. Masalah. Masalah. Dah mana pula nak cari minah tu. Nombor telefon dia pun tak ada. Alamat apatah lagi. Garu kepala. “Hah. Tu awat dok tergaru-garu tu. Gatai nak menikah dah lah tu. Ada budak baik lagu Alia tu hang tolak macam tu ja. Padan muka. Tu, lauk kat dapuq. Alia yang masak sebelum dia balik tadi. Pi makan lekaih,” Arip tarik senyum kecil. Apalah kaitan garu kepala dengan gatal nak menikah? Tok Yah ni memang suka buat spekulasi hangat. Perlahan Arip bangun dari duduk dan melangkah ke dapur. Mangkuk tingkat dan termos masih elok tak berusik di atas meja makan. Maybe Alia tak sempat nak unpack lauk tak bersentuh itu kembali masuk ke dalam kuali. Maybe she was so busy with her stuff sampai tak menyempat langsung nak tunggu dia balik rumah Tok Yah baru nak bertolak pergi. Maybe Alia dah benci meluat sesangat sampai another minute spend dekat rumah Tok Yah ni pun dia dah rasa sangat membazir. Now, now. Why don’t  you just eat and forget about this thing, Harith Daniel? Is she that special to you? Is she?
            Kereta Mini Cooper merah hadiah papanya lepas dia berjaya grad dulu dah dekat 10 minit terparkir elok depan pagar rumah. Jam lagi 15 minit nak merangkak pergi ke pukul 8 malam. Sebelum datang ke banglo tiga tingkat itu, sempat dia berhenti solat Maghrib di masjid berdekatan, tahu bila kaki dah jejak rumah tu memang harapanlah mama nak biar dia duduk lepak sorang-sorang, tanpa kena bebel. Dan atas alasan itu jugalah, kaki terasa berat nak menapak masuk hatta jarak sekadar tujuh langkah kaki. Pagar rumah yang tiba-tiba terbuka mengejutkan Alia. Mesti Mak Mah dah perasan kehadiran Mini Cooper merah itu. Nak tak nak, Alia menekan pedal minyak dan kereta perlahan melungsur masuk ke dalam, berhenti elok di antara Hummer papanya dan Porche mamanya. Elok terbuka pintu kereta, Mak Mah dah lebih dulu menyapa. Tangan tua itu disalam dan dikucup lembut, hormat. Kadang-kadang Alia rasa Mak Mah itu lebih bersifat ke‘mama’an daripada mamanya sendiri. Mak Mah yang tolong bela dia dari kecil. Bagi makan- minum. Cuci kencing-berak. Sapu losyen-bedak. Alia tersenyum hambar.
            “Jom, masuk. Mama Alia dah tunggu dekat ruang makan,” Mak Mah menarik lembut lengan Alia. Rindunya pada Alia memang dah menggunung bertimbun. Dan satu-satunya alasan dia tetap setia di banglo mewah ini cuma Alia. Alia yang sudah dianggap seperti anak sendiri. Alia yang penat dididik dijaga dari kecil. Alia Hanis Dato’ Zulkiefli.
            “Tetamu yang mama jemput dah sampai?” Alia masih membatu tak berganjak. Seram terasa mahu melangkah ke dalam. Ikut hati memang Alia nak masuk balik dalam Mini Coopernya dan memecut laju kembali ke rumah sewanya. Takut. Berpeluh dahi. Menggeletar lutut. Berdebar jantung.
            “Belum lagi. Masih dalam perjalanan. Tapi rasanya patut dah sam...” belum pun sempat Mak Mah habis berbicara, deruman enjin kereta kedengaran di luar pagar. Alia kalih pandang. Honda CR-Z menyapa mata. “Panjang umur, dah sampai pun,” ujar Mak Mah ceria. Mungkin seronak melihat ramai tetamu pada hari ini. Selalu memang dia duk tengok kerusi dan meja di rumah saja. Penghuni lain sibuk berlari ke hulu ke hilir mencari harta.
            “Mak Mah, Mak Mah masuk dulu. Alia nak jumpa kejap dengan dia,” sopan Alia meminta dengan mata masih terarah pada pintu pagar. Derap nafas mula berlari. Otak laju menyusun isi yang mahu dihambur pada lelaki tak faham bahasa itu.
            “Jangan lama sangat. Tak elok dilihat orang,” masih sempat Mak Mah member nasihat sebelum menapak ke dalam. Alia keras di situ. Matanya tajam melihat setiap gerak-geri makhluk Allah yang keluar dari perut Honda putih itu.
            “Sayang, you’re here. I miss you damn much! Where have you been, sayang? Penat I cari you,” senafas Amar menutur. Jemari Alia cuba diraih. Gagal. Alia lebih pantas menyembunyikannya di belakang badan. Muka statik tidak beriak. Kaku.
            “What are you trying to do, Amar?” keras Alia bertanya. Nafas tertahan. Sabar menipis.
            “Sayang. Look, I love you. I want to marry you. Ini yang you nak since we met, kan?” kali ini bahu Alia pula yang mahu dipegang. Langsung tidak diberi peluang. Alia mengambil selangkah ke belakang.
            “Amar. I don’t love you. I don’t want to marry you. Apa yang I nak is for you to leave me alone,” tegas Alia membalas. Amar memang tak faham bahasa. Masakan sungguh dia mahu kalau sampai ke ceruk Pulau Pinang dia gagah melarikan diri. Gila tak faham bahasa. Bahasa planet mana dia pakai ni?
            “Apa yang you merepek ni? Family kita dah jumpa pun. Kita tunang minggu depan. Susah sangat ke nak terima fact tu? You jangan nak buat kerja gila!” walaupun nada masih terkawal, siren amaran macam dah berbunyi lantang. Alia telan liur.
            “I tak nak. Kenapa you susah nak faham?!” Alia membalas sama keras.
            “Kenapa? Sebab mamat pengembala kambing tu?” sinis pertanyaan Amar. Alia terkedu. Mana Amar tahu pasal Arip? Amar mengintip dia ke? Melampau!
            “Macam mana kau tahu pasal dia?” berubah terus rentak percakapan Alia. Memang sungguh mencabar kesabaran permainan makhluk Tuhan ini.
            “Cool, lady. Yang gelabah sangat kenapa ni? Takut your mom tahu pasal dia? You know her well and what she’s capable of, kan? So, are you in or not?” Alia dah rasa nak rebah ke lantai. Apa salah Arip? Kenapa perlu dilibatkan dia dalam permainan gila ni?
            “Don’t you dare telling her anything about him. Or else...” ayat termati di situ. Jelas, memang tiada apa yang dapat dipertaruhkan untuk menyelamatkan diri. He wins. The victory is his. Makin melebar sinis senyuman di bibir Amar.
            “Or else what, sayang?” Alia pejam mata. Ya Allah, sakitnya hati. Mengapa perlu ada insan begini dalam jalan cerita hidupku? Atas motif apa dia buat semua benda ni?
            “I hate you,” separuh berbisik kata itu terluah dari bibirnya. Mata panas menahan kolam yang semakin penuh. “I hate you and forever will,” tajam matanya merenung ke dalam mata hitam berkilat si Amar.
             “Love you too, sayang. And forever will....”

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Hapdet. Hapdet. Hapdet.

Hello! Hello!

I've a good and a bad news.

The bad one is...
This isn't a post on the short cherps. Sorry. Hehe...
Masih mencari idea nak menamatkan cerita sebenarnya.

And...here's the good one.
Novel yang selalu dihapdet di Penulisan2U, sudah dihapdetkan di ilham.karangkraf.com.
Sebab sistemnya lebih mudah dan not too complicated.
Makanya saya beralih ke sana. Haha.
Tajuk novelnya adalah Notasi Cinta.
Here's the link;


#Kenapa tak terus hapdet kat sini je? Kan lagi senang...

Lagi pun, it will be too crowded and takut pening if I put too much stories in here.
So...jangan lupa jenguklah ye.
And there's also many other novel and short cherps dekat situ.
Do enjoy yourself :D

Itu saja.
Nak sambung menulis lagi.
Mood tengah ada.
Kena cepat-cepat grab sebelum melayang.
Nanti kena writer's block kan ke dah rasa nak hantuk kepala kat dinding. Haha...

Lots of Love,
Popi Merah.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Saengil Chukkae, Yeobo ah~

Assalamualaikum, dear my silent readers :)

Two updates in one night. Wow!
Surprise, surprise~~~
But this one is an English Cherps...
Hope you guys don't mind.
And, please.
Pardon my grammar mistakes.
I'm not that good with words.
And if you're not a die-hard-fan-of-korean-drama...
Maybe, you'll be pening-pening lalat while reading this long lil cherps over here.
Mintak sorry siap-siap, okey? Hewhew...
But, if you do watch Korean dramas, esp Playful Kiss @ Naughty Kiss @ Mischievous Kiss, then you'll probably love this story.
If, you want to understand more of this story, watch this video;


So, that's probably it. Do enjoy the cherps :)
Btw, this is just some old flame of mine.
Ain't writing this kind of story anymore since I'm done watching Korean dramas...hehe...


            "Omo~ Omo~ Isn't next week is Seung Jo's birthday?" Eomeoni (Mom) shrieked. Ha Ni smiled sheepishly. They were having girl-to-girl time at the dining space.
            "Nae (yes). But I don't know yet what should I buy for his birthday present," Ha Ni sipped her tea and looked at Eomeoni.
            "Aigoo~ Ha Ni ah~ if I were him, being with you are more than enough as a birthday present," Eomeoni giggled, grabbing Ha Ni's hand.
            "Ehem..." Seung Jo walked in the dining space with a book in his hand. Ha Ni was kind of startled.
            "Yah! Yah! Baek Seung Jo, are you eavesdropping?" Eomeoni looked sharply at him.
            "Ani. I just want to get a glass of water," said Seung Jo, monotonously while pouring water into a glass, not looking at his mother.
            "Aigoo~ look at that attitude, I don't think we need to held any birthday celebration for him," Eomeoni whispered to Ha Ni with a long face. Ha Ni patted her arm, understandingly.
            "Assa! I've an idea!" Eomeoni whispered again, pointing out her index finger, looking so excited. "Ehem...Seung Jo ah~, I forgot to tell you something. Next week, I will accompany your Appa to a business trip in Jeju Island. Beak Eun Jo will also come with us. Otokae? Isn't next week is your birthday? Otokae? Otokajo? Otokae?" Eomeoni stood up and walk back and forth in the dining space but Seung Jo was still expressionless. Ha Ni looked nervously at her husband.
            "Eomeoni, how come I didn't kno..." Eun Jo suddenly interrupted. Eomeoni quickly ran towards Eun Jo and wrapped her hand around his mouth.
            "Baek Eun Jo! We're going on a trip next week and that's final!" Eomeoni stared sharply at Eun Jo, warning him to keep his mouth shut.
            "Eomeoni, gwaenchanh-ayo (it's okay). Birthdays come next year and the year after that too. If you can't do anything for me this time, then you can do something for me next time. Leave me out and just enjoy yourself with Appa and Eun Jo," Seung Jo went away with his book to the living room. Eomeoni pouted and let go Eun Jo who soon went after his hyung.
            "Aish...that brat should really be taught some lessons," Eomeoni shook her head, feeling disappointed. Ha Ni faked a smile. "Ha Ni ah~, otokae (what to do)?" Eomeoni looked at Ha Ni hopefully.
            "Molla~ (I dont know), Eomeoni," Ha Ni responded weakly.
            "Batta! I know exactly what should we do," Eomeoni announced happily.
            "What is it, Eomeoni?" Ha Ni frowned.
            "Ignore him," Eomeoni winked.
            "Mwo (What)? Ignore? Means?" Ha Ni scratched her back head, getting confused.
            "Ha Ni ah~, do you remember his last year birthday surprise for you?" Ha Ni nodded. She still remembered how messy things became when suddenly a pregnant woman appeared right before Seung Jo surprised her and things got worse when they have to send the pregnant woman who almost deliver her baby to the hospital. Ha Ni chuckled a bit.
            "Nae. It was very funny," Ha Ni covered her mouth blushingly.
            "You tell him that you can't celebrate his birthday and whack!" Eomeoni slammed the table. "You throw him a surprise birthday party. Just like how he did to you. Aigoo~ don't you think that is so sweet?" Eomeoni leaned her head aside and put her hand on her cheek, smiling sheepishly.
            "Yah! That's a good idea," Ha Ni clapped her hands and her eyes shone brightly. "We will be having a lot of fun!" Ha Ni grinned.
            "We? Omo...didn't I tell you just now that I'll be going to Jeju Island next week?" said Eomeoni while peeling an orange.
            "Yah! Omma (Mom)! For real, are we really going to Jeju Island next week?" Eun Jo's shriek suddenly popped out of nowhere. Eomeoni spontaneously threw the orange rind towards him.
            "Nae Baek Eun Jo! Now go upstairs before I peel you like this orange," snapped Eomeoni, starting to lose her patience. Eun Jo swiftly ran upstairs. Eomeoni turned her head back to Ha Ni. "So...what do you think?" ...
            "Otokae? Otokae? Ju Ri ah~ otokajo?" whined Ha Ni, walking rapidly back and forth in Ju Ri's newly opened saloon.
            "Yah! Yah! Calm down! We'll help you, don't worry," Ju Ri stuffed her mouth with another chicken leg. Min Ah was still busy with her drawing. Ha Ni pouted.
            "Yah! His birthday is next week! We have about 4 days to prepare everything without Eomeoni's help. Otokae? Min Ah ah~" this time Ha Ni shook Min Ah's shoulder, distracting her. Min Ah sighed.
            "Ara, ara (I know). So what do you want us to do?" Min Ah put down her pencil. Ha Ni grinned widely and confidently answered...
            "Molla~ that's why I asked you guys to help," Ju Ri squirted out food that was in her mouth and Min Ah crumpled her drawing block.
            "YAH! OH HA NI! JU GU LAE (DO YOU WANNA DIE)?!" shrieked both Ju Ri and Min Ah, shot up from their chair. Ha Ni subsided on her chair.
            "Nae~...I'm so dead! Otokae ah~~" Ha Ni looked down, frustrated. 
            "Oh Ha Ni, relax. We have three brains right here, of course we can figured something out. Kuraechi (Right)?" Min Ah patted Ha Ni's shoulder.
            "Jinjja (Really)?" Ha Ni looked up with her sleepy looking eyes. Min Ah nodded positively, invited smile in Ha Ni's face.
            "So, Ha Ni, what kind surprise party you want to give him?" asked Ju Ri, licking off her fingers.
            "Maybe I should just dressed wonderfully and appear before him with 100 roses at the hospital. 'Surprise!' shrieked that loudly in front of other colleagues. Then we will have dinner at a restaurant with an awesome night view and drink a wine that I picked out by myself. I will light up the candles on his birthday cake that I specially bake for him, while sweetly sing a happy birthday song to him. Isn't that cool?" Ha Ni closed her eyes and swayed her body left to right.
            "Yah! How come it sounds like your own preferable surprise birthday party?" Ju Ri smirked. Ha Ni blushed and smiled sheepishly.
            "Oh Ha Ni, I don't think Baek Seung Jo like that kind of surprise. Maybe you would end up being scold by him again," objected Min Ah. Ha Ni became down again.
            "Then, what should I do?" Ha Ni bit her lower lip. "Ah! Batta! I forgot to show you guys something," Ha Ni pulled a paper bag from below her seat.
            "Igeol moeya (What is this)?" Ju Ri blinked blankly.
            "Igeol (This is)...lover glove," Ha Ni's eyes shone brightly, holding up the soft pink thingy.
            "Lover...glove?" Min Ah frowned.
            "Yah! You never heard of this thing, aren't you? This thing is very popular right now," Ha Ni handed Min Ah a brochure that show how the glove should be wear.
            "I think, maybe I want to give this thing to Seung Jo as his seonmul (present). Saeng-il seonmul (birthday present). What do you think?" Ha Ni grinned.
            "Yah, Oh Ha Ni, you never change, did you?" teased Ju Ri, smirking. Ha Ni giggled.
            "What about the surprise party? Don't tell me you want to proceed with your earlier idea?" Min Ah scribbled something on her drawing block. Ha Ni put the glove back into the paper bag and sighed.
            "Ha Ni ah~ don't overdo yourself. You can just think of something simple but sweet. Like...watching movie, eating ice-cream together. You know, things like that," suggested Min Ah.
            "Date. Like a date. Forget about the 100 roses thingy, or shouting 'Surprise!' in front of his colleagues. Maybe just a cake specially baked by you and a small birthday party celebrated by just two of you at home, would do for a prodigy like him," clarified Ju Ri. Min Ah nodded in agreement.
            "Assa! I've an idea! I will bake a cake for him, then I will surprise him at home. We will watch a romantic movie together while eating popcorn. He will stretch his arm and wrapped it around my shoulder. I'll lean on his chest romantically. Omo~ that is so sweet. We'll be having our alone time together, chitchatting. We might also end up...omo~ omo~ " Ha Ni covered her face and giggled sheepishly.
            "Yah, Oh Ha Ni. You are such a pervert!" shrieked Ju Ri. Min Ah pinched Ha Ni's blushing cheek.
            "Then we should get you a brand new red hot lacy undergarments," teased Min Ah, Ha Ni hit her arm.
            "Yah! Don't say it out loud. I'm embarrassed," and they burst into laughter.
            "Ha Ni ah~ it's a huge relief seeing you happy like this with Baek Seung Jo. Chukkae (congrats), Ha Ni ah~" Ha Ni smiled proudly at her best friends, feeling grateful.   
            "Aigoo~ I don't feel really good about this," Eomeoni put her hand on her forehead and whined loudly.
            "Eomeoni, gwaenchanh-ayo. We'll be just fine," said Ha Ni, hugging her mother-in-law.
            "Hajiman (but), tomorrow is Seung Jo's birthday. Miahn (sorry), adeul-ah~ (son). For not being with you tomorrow," Eomeoni parted from Ha Ni and dashed to Seung Jo, hugged him tightly that he can't barely breath.
            "Yah! Omma. Eomeoni...yah! I can't breath," gasped Seung Jo. Eomeoni let go of him and smiled sadly.
            "I think we should go now. Take care both of you," Eomeoni hugged both Seung Jo and Ha Ni before she went into the car with Appa (Dad) and Eun Jo.
            "You guys take care too. Have fun!" shouted Ha Ni, waving her hand. When Seung Jo wasn't looking, Eomeoni looked at Ha Ni and mouthed 'Hwaiting (Goodluck)!' just before the car drove off. Ha Ni smiled and nodded confidently.
            "Kaja (Let's go). It's cold out here," said Seung Jo, walking into the house.
            "Deh," Ha Ni followed Seung Jo from behind. 'Oh Ha Ni! Hwaiting! Let's start the game!' Ha Ni clenched up her fist and made a 'yes' movement.
            "Yah! Oh Ha Ni, what kind of fantasy you're having now? Palli, come in. You might catch a cold later," said Seung Jo, taking off his shoes. 
            "Deh! Mianh," Ha Ni quickly went inside the house. She sat besides Seung Jo who was reading a book at the living room. Seung Jo glanced at her before continue reading his book.
            "Seung Jo ah~ " Ha Ni took Seung Jo's hand and played with it.
            "Yah! Waegurae (What's up)? You're acting kind of weird today," Seung Jo snatched his hand back. Ha Ni startled.
            "A..ani...I'm just...Appa...Appa..." Ha Ni started to sob loudly.
            "Yah! Yah! Is there something wrong with Appa? Yah! Uljima (Don't cry)! Oh Ha Ni, uljima," Seung Jo put away his book and wrapped her arms around Ha Ni. Ha Ni sobbed even louder.
            "Appa...he...he's sick. He...he had this...red...umm...rashes...yes...rashes...all over his body. The doctor said that his condition is very bad. So he need somebody to take care of him. And Bong Joon Gu is out of town. I..I...waaaa~" Ha Ni cried on Seung Jo's shoulder.
            "Gwaenchanh. Come, I'll send you to Appa's house. I'm free today, so I might also help you to take care of him," suggested Seung Jo.
            "Andwae (No)! Chulte andwae (Absolutely not)!" Ha Ni suddenly shot up from Seung Jo's shoulder, shaking her head.
            "Wae (Why)?" asked Seung Jo confusedly.
            "Appa's disease...is infectious. Deh! Kurae (Right)! Infectious. It's very dangerous for you to follow me there. I don't want you to have this disease too. Arasso (Got me)?" Ha Ni starting to sob again.
            "Ara, ara. So, is it okay for you alo..." Ha Ni suddenly cut him off before he could finished his words.
            "Nae! Gwaenchanh," Ha Ni nodded quickly. But suddenly, she became down again. "But Seung Jo ah~ maybe I'll sleep at my Appa's until he is fully recovered...and tomorrow is your birthday..." Ha Ni looked down.
            "It's okay. Your father is more important," Seung Jo cupped Ha Ni's face and gave her a convincing look. Ha Ni smiled happily and quickly stood up.
            "If so, I better go now," Ha Ni ran upstairs, leaving Seung Jo alone with his book. Seung Jo sighed.
            "I wonder what she's up to this time," he chuckled and continue reading his book.
            "APPA! Huuu~ otokae...Appa!" Ha Ni cried out loud. Her cake was burnt all over...AGAIN!
            "Gwaenchanh...we have plenty of time. Do it slowly," advised Appa. Ha Ni threw her burnt cake into the dustbin and grabbed another packet of flour. Restart all over again.
30 minutes later...
            "Assa! The bater is done. Let's put it in the oven," Ha Ni quickly poured the bater into a circular container and put it in the oven.
            "Ha Ni ah~ lower the temperature a bit. You might burnt your cake again," said Appa while cutting his noodles. Ha Ni nodded and turned down the temperature a bit. After a long 45 minutes of waiting, the cake finally turned out to be beautifully bake.
            "Yay! This cake look so delicious. Seung Jo will surely love it!" as she put the cake on the counter to decorate it, her phone rang. It was Ju Ri.
            "Annyeong, Ju Ri ah~,"
            "Annyeong! So, how's your cake going? Is it good?" asked Ju Ri, excited.
            "Nae! It looks delicious. Ah, batta! Ju Ri ah~, can I ask you a favor?" said Ha Ni as she took a bowl from a cabinet.
            "Sure. What is it?" Ju Ri nodded even though she knew Ha Ni couldn't see her.
            "Can you rent me a romantic movie before you come over? I don't think I have enough time as I haven't decorate the cake yet and it's almost 6 p.m. Please..." Ha Ni begged. Ju Ri chuckled.
            "Deh. Arasso. What's the title?" Ju Ri took a broom and started sweeping the floor, clearing it from the customers' hairs.
            "Cheo Kissu (First Kiss). It's an old movie. My father recommended it to me," said Ha Ni sheepishly. But suddenly a customer entered Ju Ri's salon, so she didn't really pay full attention to Ha Ni.
            "Ah...aratta, aratta (got it). Ha Ni ah~ there's a customer. I need to go now. Miahn, Ha Ni ah~. Annyeong!" and she hang up. Ha Ni smiled and started decorating her cake.
            Ju Ri was at the movie center to find the movie that Ha Ni was asking for. As she looked around, an old lady approached her.
            "Agasshi (Miss), are you looking for a movie?" asked the old lady.
            "Nae, Ahjumma (aunty). Jamkamn (wait a minute), I don't really remember the title. Ja...ani (no)...is it Chu...ani, ani...Ch...Ch...aigoo~ Ahjumma, do you have any movie that sounds like Chacky...or...Chakis...something like that," Ju Ri scratched her head.
            "Chucky? The haunted doll, Chucky?" Ahjumma smiled warmly.
            "Haunted doll, Chucky? But Ha Ni said it is a romantic movie..." said Ju Ri to herself. "Ah~ batta! Aigoo~ uli (our) Ha Ni ah~ she's getting smarter now. Romantic movie, huh? How come this thought never cross my mind before? Of course they should watch horror movie, so that when Ha Ni scream, Seung Jo will quickly hug her. Aigoo~ aigoo~ now that's romantic," Ju Ri giggled loudly.
            "A...agasshi. Gwaenchanh-ayo?" Ahjumma frowned. Ju Ri smiled sheepishly, embarrassed of herself.
            "N...nae. Gwaenchanh," Ju Ri bowed slightly. "Ahjumma, I want to rent that movie. Chucky...that one..." Ju Ri smiled and glanced over her watch. Ahjumma already went inside a small room to get the movie. "Ah! Ahjumma, palli~ I'm already late," shouted Ju Ri. She pulled out her purse, but stopped as she thought of something about Ha Ni.
            "But to think about it, that girl really has the gut to watch this kind of movie..."
            "Ha Ni ah~, gwaenchanh? Your face look quite pale," commented Min Ah. Ha Ni gulped.
            "A...ani...gwaenchanh. I'm just a little bit nervous," she looked at the cake box on her lap. She took a deep breath and stepped out of the car. "Wish me luck," she looked hopefully at Ju Ri and Min Ah. It was already 11.35 p.m., 25 minutes to Seung Jo's birthday and they were outside of Baek's House.
            "Hwaiting!" whispered both Ju Ri and Min Ah.
            "Ah! Ha Ni, here. Your 'romantic' movie," Ju Ri pulled a plastic beg from her bag and handed it to Ha Ni.
            "Gomawoyo (Thanks), Ju Ri ah~ I better get in now. It's already 11.40 p.m. Hwaiting!" she went inside the house using her keys.
            "Ah...Seung Jo is in his room," she smirked. She crept in slowly, making sure she didn't, make any noise and now she was already in the kitchen, unpacking the birthday cake.
            "Seung Jo gonna love this," she hummed random songs while doing it. But suddenly...*BLANK*
            "Omo~ What happened? Why this house is so dark?" Ha Ni whispered to herself. She moved slowly to find a candle but she accidentally hit something. *thud*
            "Yah! Who the hell put the water bottle here?" cursed Ha Ni. She slowly took it back and put it on the counter. Then Ha Ni took the cake and slowly crept towards the stairs. She tiptoed upstairs but suddenly, she hit something...or is it, someone?
            "Kyahh!!!" ...
                        Seung Jo opened his eyes when he heard a loud thud from downstairs but all he could see was darkness. He blinked, feeling clueless. He focused his eyes on his watch. 'Ah...it's almost 12 a.m. Did I fell asleep? What happened? Ah...black out!' he got out from his bed and walked towards the door cautiously, trying not to bump to anything.
            "Ah~ the whole house is in dark," Seung Jo whined when he opened the door. He walked towards the stairs, wanted to go down and find some candles to light up. It was so dark, so Seung Jo only count on the stairs holder to guide him downstairs. Half-way down the stairs, he hit something and that 'thing' made a very loud shrieked.
            The blackout was over. As the house was no longer in dark,  Seung Jo looked at the 'thing' that he just hit. 'Looks familiar...yah! Isn't that...OH HA NI!' Her face was fully covered with white icing and small pieces of strawberries. Seung Jo covered his mouth, refraining himself from bursting into laughter. Instead, he just smirked.
            "Ss...Seung Jo ah~ saeng-il...chukka...hamnida (happy birthday to you)!" Ha Ni looked down, focusing her eyes at the spoiled cake. Seung Jo looked at his watch. 12 A.M. sharp!
            "Go...gomawo," Seung Jo tried his best not to laugh and when he saw crystal droplets on Ha Ni's eyes, he startled. "Yah! Oh Ha Ni," he called out. Ha Ni just froze in front of him. Seung Jo grabbed Ha Ni's arm and brought her to the dining table. Then he took a towel, wet it up and started to wipe the icing off Ha Ni's face. But suddenly she pushed his hand away, surprising him a little bit.
            "Gwaenchanh. Let me do it myself," she tried to take the towel from Seung Jo but he hid it behind his body. Ha Ni sighed heavily. "Seung Jo ah~, guess what, I baked this cake myself. Even you didn't believe it, right? Hajiman...otokajo? I've ruined everything. Everything that I do always didn't turn out well. Mwo ya (What)? Surprise party? I can't even do things right," Ha Ni whined sadly. Seung Jo tilted his head lower, facing Ha Ni.
            "Jinjja (Really)? You bake this cake by yourself?" asked Seung Jo, smiling warmly. Ha Ni nodded. Suddenly Seung Jo leaned in. Chu~ he gave a soft peck on her creamy lips. Ha Ni backed out a little bit, startled by Seung Jo's action.
            "Yah! Stay still," ordered Seung Jo, he leaned closer towards Ha Ni, drawing the inches away. Ha Ni quickly closed her eyes tightly, getting nervous of what might Seung Jo do. Then she felt a tingling sensation at her cheek. She opened her eyes and saw Seung Jo wiped excess cream from his lips.
            "Yy...yah! Ss...Seung Jo...did you just lick...me?" Ha Ni stuttered.
            "It's good. Your cake...taste good. Daebak (Great)! Ha Ni ah~" Seung Jo patted her head and smiled sincerely.
            "Jinjja? Jinjja jinjja?" shrieked Ha Ni like a happy little girl. Seung Jo nodded. Ha Ni started to jump around in joy. Seung Jo let out a small chuckle. 'Typical Oh Ha Ni.'
            "Yah! Clean up your face first," Seung Jo said, grabbing her arm and put her back on her seat. Slowly, he wiped the cream off her face. Ha Ni smiled sheepishly.
            "Seung Jo ah~ can we watch a movie after this?" Ha Ni made an aegyo (cute) face. Seung Jo was about to deny her request as he was too tired, but when he saw her puppy eyes, he just couldn't refuse it. So...
            "Up to you," Seung Jo replied monotonously. And even just with the simple reply, Ha Ni clapped her hands in delight which made Seung Jo smiled instinctively.
            'Her smile is really contagious,' Seung Jo said to himself.
                        "Seung Jo ah~ did you find the movie. I put it somewhere on the table in the living room," shouted Ha Ni from the kitchen. She was busy handling the popcorn for their tidbits during the movie time.
            "Nae. Ha Ni, is the popcorn ready yet?" Seung Jo shouted back, settling himself at the couch, in front of the television.
            "Almost! Jamkamamn-yo," Ha Ni put the popcorns in a big bowl, grabbed sodas from the fridge and headed to the living room. "Popcorn is here!" exclaimed Ha Ni, throwing her body besides Seung Jo. She handed the popcorn to Seung Jo and grabbed the remote controller. "Ready?" she looked at Seung Jo, smile was all over her face. Seung Jo nodded lazily. So, Ha Ni hit the PLAY button and BAM!!!
            "Kyahhh!!!" the scarred face of a doll terrified her. Ha Ni hid her face behind Seung Jo's shoulder.
            "Yy...yah! Yah! Isn't this a horror movie?" Ha Ni was trembling all over.
            "It's you who picked out this movie, aniyo?" asked Seung Jo, confused.
            "Ani...it was...yah! Jung Ju Ri! Seung Jo ah~ what is the title of this movie?" asked Ha Ni, still hiding behind Seung Jo's back. 
            "Deh? Title? Chucky. The Seed of Chucky," answered Seung Jo.
            "Cheo Kissu?" asked Ha Ni, titling her head upwards.
            "Igeon Cheo Kissu anaeyo (This is not Cheo Kissu). Chucky-eyo (It's Chucky), Chucky," corrected Seung Jo.
            "Mwo?! Yah! Turn it off! Palli~ (faster) turn it off!" Ha Ni shook Seung Jo's shoulder just to make he burst into laughter.
            "Mwo ya? You're afraid of a doll?" teased Seung Jo. Ha Ni pouted.
            "Ani...I just...just..." Ha Ni bit her lower lip and closed her eyes, gaining spirits. She opened her eyes and sat up straight, facing the television. "Says who? I'm...we...just watch this movie, okay?" Ha Ni focused her eyes on the doll's face, trying hard not to close her eyes.
Ten minutes later...
            "Seung Jo ah~ is he gone yet? The doll? Has he left?" asked Ha Ni with her trembling voice, hiding vulnerably in Seung Jo's hug.
            "Nae, you can open your eyes now," said Seung Jo, patting her shoulder. Ha Ni looked at the television and SLASH!!! The place was all covered with blood.
            "Kyahhh!!!" Ha Ni shot up and hid behind the couch. Seung Jo burst into big laughter.
            "Baek Seung Jo! I HATE YOU!!!"
            "Eomeoni!" Eun Jo whispered harshly.
            "Yah! Shhh!" Eomeoni put her index finger at her lips. Both of them crept in silently like a burglar.
            "Eomeoni, what are we doing here at the middle of the night?" asked Eun Jo, suspiciously. It was 11.45 p.m. and as he expected, they never really went to Jeju Island at all. Appa went to his office as usual and Eomeoni spent her day dragging Eun Jo from one shopping mall to another.
            "I just want to give them a little 'booster'," whispered Eomeoni back.
            "Booster?" Eun Jo frowned. Eomeoni nodded excitedly. They were still creeping towards the back yard.
            "Ah...igeol," Eomeoni whispered. 'PLAP!' Eomeoni pushed a button on the wall and everything went dark.
            "Jalja (Good night), Seung Jo ah~, Ha Ni ah~" (^ ~ ^) v
            "Annyeong!" greeted Seung Jo coldly. He sat in front of Ha Ni who was having a breakfast. Ha Ni looked away. "Yah! Are you still  mad at me about yesterday? I've already apologized to you. What else..." ...
            "I'm done!" Ha Ni pouted and went to living room. Seung Jo sighed. He got up and ran upstairs to grab something. Five minutes later...
            "Kaja," he stood besides Ha Ni and held out something towards Ha Ni. Ha Ni turned her heads to other side, refused to look at Seung Jo.
            "Shiroo~ (Don't want)" Ha Ni answered nonchalantly.
            "Yah! Oh Ha Ni, kaja! Palli kaja!" Seung Jo touched her arms. Ha Ni turned her head when she felt something fluffy touched her arm. A smile was unconsciously drawn on her face. Seung Jo was wearing his birthday present. He kneed down and put on the single glove on Ha Ni's left hand. Then he pulled Ha Ni's right hand and put it inside the lover glove, his left hand wrapped around her hand tightly. "Kaja!" he smiled warmly and stood up. They went for a walk around the neighborhood, hand in hand.
[Seung Jo's POV]
            I looked at her sad face. My heart thumped harder. Heck! Is she still mad at me? Am I being too cruel to her? I looked away. Maybe I should start a conversation to lighten the situation a bit. But what should I say? What if Ha Ni misunderstand my words. I'm not very good at coaxing people.
[A/N : Words in the bracket is the real thing that BSJ is trying to say :)]
            "Are you planning to be a mute all day long? (Are you okay?) " I smirked to covered my anxiety.
            "Ani. I'm just thinking," answered Ha Ni wearily.
            "Since when do you know how to think? (What are you thinking about, Ha Ni ah~? Malhaebwa! (Tell me!))" I looked at her.
            "Do you like my present?" Ha Ni asked, changing the subject.
            "It's good. Why did you buy this thing? Ah~ obviously. You really know how to stick yourself around me, don't you? (I love it! I can feel your warmth and overflowing love when I'm wearing it.)" I chuckled.
            "Aniya. I'm just..." Ha Ni paused for awhile, didn't know what to say. "Seung Jo ah~ I'm good for nothing, right?" Ha Ni whined. I stunned. 'Yah! Pabo. What are you talking about?' I looked at cars that passing by the road, thinking about your sudden question. Seriously, I really don't know how to answer your question.
I replied;
"To think about it, you're right though.
(But you're surely good at certain things)
Otokajo~ that's something that couldn't be help, it's just the real you.
(For example, making me happy. So don't bluntly change yourself into someone else. I just love the real you)
But still, you manage to bake a cake by yourself.
(And you also bake a really delicious cake for me)
When you said you want to take care of your sudden sick Appa, I wonder what you're up to for my birthday. I really didn't expect any spoiled and late surprise party.
(Thank you so much for the surprise party. This is the best birthday party I've ever had and most importantly, I got the chance to cuddle the frightened Oh Ha Ni all night long)
But again, it's your style. It's just something that a plain Oh Ha Ni that I knew would do.
(So please, stop looking down on yourself. I love you and will always do. Because you're my pabo (stupid) Oh Ha Ni. My one and only wife, Oh Ha Ni)
Deabak! Ha Ni ah~!
(No other meaning. She just great in her own way)" ^ ~ ^
            I patted her head and smiled warmly. Ha Ni smiled upon hearing my answer. I entwined our fingers in the lover glove. Ha Ni giggled sheepishly and leaned against me, sharing her warmth and love.
            "Saeng-il chukka-e, yeobo-ah~" ♥ (Happy birthday, dear hubby~)